
Eating healthy makes you feel great.  But try combining that with regular exercise!  Exercising helps release endorphins which give you energy and make you happier.  What more could a mom ask for, right?  Now I realize everyone has a different idea of regular exercise and that is totally fine.  Just do what is right for you and what feels good to you.  Don't try to outdo yourself or anyone else.  Just do something!  A walk around the neighborhood, or a vigorous run up the side of the choose.  Do what you like and don't be afraid to try something new.  It's always good to add variation to your workouts.  Workout partners, and walking /running partners are a great way to really commit yourself to something.

For me finding time to exercise is a must because it's "me" time.  It gives me time to just think about whatever. I was a gymnast from 6 years old until I was 21 years old. I like to exercise to feel good, happy, and energized. But I'll be honest, I also exercise so I can eat whatever I want and still stay skinny. As you get older your metabolism begins to slow down. But the more you exercise and as you increase your muscle mass you will also increase your metabolism.

Get up and get going!

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